Contact the Carmelite Vocations Director Here
Praised be Jesus Christ!
As the Carmelite Vocations Director for the Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, I am happy that you have found your way to the vocation section of our website and hope that you find the following pages helpful.
First let me introduce myself. My name is Fr. Michael Mary of the Trinity and I am the Novice Master for the Carmelite Monks. I will be guiding you, our candidate, through the discernment and, God willing, application process in which you will begin to seek entrance to our cloistered Carmelite monastery. Later, if we discern together that it is God's will for you to be clothed in the habit, I will help form you for the Carmelite contemplative life for men, preparing you for the holy vows of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty according to the spirit of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. It is an exciting journey and I am very humbled and overjoyed to help you start the ascent up the mountain of Carmel to Union with God.

On the various pages under the "Vocations" tab you will find much of the information and resources that will help you understand Carmel and our particular place in the Church as Carmelite Monks. Wherever you are in your discernment their is something to feed your soul and educate you on the process of discerning a Carmelite vocation to our community.
I marvel daily at the young men with whom I am in contact. Other normal young men like yourself seek to follow the call of Christ with generosity, selflessness, and courage. You are indeed in the company of other brave young souls intent upon discerning God's Will for them and I am here to accompany and assist you to see if the Lord is inviting you to follow Him as a Carmelite monk. By taking the time to read these pages and learn more about our contemplative vocation in the Church, you have taken the first step in discerning the possibility of your vocation to our Carmelite monastery for men; for your courage and sincerity in seeking the Lord, you are to be commended! We are very excited that you have the virility and strength of character to begin this process. All the Fathers and Brothers will be praying that Our Lord and His Blessed Mother will give you and myself the grace and wisdom to discern if you have a vocation to our community.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call or contact me. I have been through the discernment process myself and I have a heart for those discerning the mystery of their vocation to be love in the Heart of the Church in imitation of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. I look forward to speaking with you, getting to know you better, and accompanying you on this journey. Please be assured that I will be praying for you daily. I impart upon you my priestly blessing and remain,
Yours in Christ and Our Lady of Mt Carmel,
Fr. Michael Mary of the Trinity, M. Carm. - Vocations Director