The Guild of our Lady of Mount Carmel is a spiritual organization where all of the friends of the monastery share in a special way in the monastery's growth and development. The endurance of the Carmelite Monastery in Wyoming, and its success, are in many ways a testimony to the profound faith of the members of the Guild.
Guild members are a part of the Carmelite family, sharing in the prayers and sacrifices of the Carmelite monks. They pledge to donate to the monastery monthly and show their prayerful solidarity by praying the Most Holy Rosary each day, faithfully wearing the Brown Scapular of our Lady of Mt. Carmel and consecrating themselves to the Virgin Mary.
The Carmelites in turn remember all the members of the Guild in their prayers, penances, and Masses. A special Mass is offered on the first Wednesday of each month in honor of St. Joseph for the intentions of the Guild Members.

You are invited to share in the powerful graces that the Holy Virgin ardently desires to pour out upon those who aid in the building of a permanent monastery for the Carmelite fathers and brothers. Guild members have a close association with the monastic life of the monks and the certitude of sharing in all the spiritual fruits and blessings of the contemplative Carmelite life.
There are no restrictions on who can join the Guild of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, however, it is strongly recommended that those who join the Guild wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray the Rosary daily (if possible), and make an Act of Consecration to the Blessed Mother.HOW TO JOIN THE GUILD
To become an official Guild member, simply send to the monastery your name (or the names of your family members you desire to enroll), your address, and the name and address of your home parish. Since the goal of the Guild is to assist by temporal means in the monastery's future, members pledge to support the monastery's Building Fund by donating $10 or more monthly.
O Mary, Queen and Mother of Carmel, I come today to consecrate myself to Thee, for my whole life is but a small return for the many graces and blessings that have come from God to me through Thy hands. Since Thou regardest with an eye of special kindness those who wear Thy Scapular, I implore Thee to strengthen my weakness with Thy power, to enlighten the darkness of my mind with Thy wisdom, to increase in me faith, hope and charity that I may render, day by day, my debt of humble homage to Thee.
May Thy Scapular keep Thine eyes of mercy turned towards me and bring me Thy special protection in the daily struggle to be faithful to Thy Divine Son and to Thee. May it separate me from all that is sinful in life and remind me constantly of my duty to behold Thee and clothe myself with Thy virtues.
From henceforth, I shall strive to live in the sweet companionship of Thy spirit, to offer all to Jesus through Thee, and to make my life the mirror of Thy humility, charity, patience, meekness, and prayerfulness.O dearest Mother, support me, by Thy never-failing love that I, an unworthy sinner, may come one day to exchange Thy Scapular for the wedding Garment of heaven and dwell with Thee and the Saints of Carmel in the Kingdom of Thy Son. Amen.
300 days indulgence each time, plenary indulgence once a month, for those who wear the Scapular.
May our Lady of Mt. Carmel shower choicest blessings upon you,today and everyday!