Next to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Divine Office is the primary way in which monks engage in the worship of God. The Divine Office, also known as the Liturgy of the Hours, extends the praise of the Mass throughout the day, sanctifying the remaining hours of the day for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. This sacrifice of praise has clearly been the source of great glory to the Creator of all things, to the honor of our Lady of Mount Carmel, and of the highest service to the Church.
The Divine Office is sung by the Carmelite monks according to the Gregorian melodies of the Carmelite Rite.
The choir monks of this institute retain the praiseworthy custom of rising in the middle of the night to pray the Offices of Matins and Lauds. Although the Night Office interrupts the sleep of the fathers and can be difficult for the young and the old, nevertheless it is maintained as an opportunity to atone for the evils that occur in the darkness of night and to fulfill the words of the psalmist, “I rose at midnight to give praise to thee.”